Children’s Ministries at First Church are designed to share with the children the many ways that God impacts their lives, and how, as they grow, they can be a part of spreading that message to others in their world. We acknowledge their different ages and abilities in the variety of programs which we provide, and we look forward to their participation.
Sunday School and Children’s Worship opportunities are coordinated to build a foundation for a personal faith in Jesus Christ through age-appropriate learning experiences.
Sunday School – 9:30 am
Classes, taught by dedicated volunteers, are available for preschoolers through 6th graders. Infants and toddlers are cared for by a paid staff person and loving volunteers.
Children’s Worship – 11:00 am
Children in grades K-4 begin worship in the sanctuary and, after the Children’s Message, are welcome to go to Asbury Hall for a children-led, experential worship service.
Childcare is available for infants through preschoolers from 9:30 am-Noon.
ROCK (Reality Of Christ for Kids)
A music and Spiritual Formation program for children age 4 through 6th grade which takes place on Wednesday evenings beginning September 11. Please join us for our Parent Meeting, September 11 @6:00pm. A detailed schedule of events will be available.
4:30-5:00 Bells
5:00-5:30 Children’s Choirs
1st-3rd – Bethlehem Choir
4th-6th – Wesley Choir
5:30-6:30 ROCK Group Activities
Activities will include a Bible Story with activities, Crafts, Missions, Knitting, Science and MUCH more! Activities will vary weekly.
Wesley Youth meet on Wednesdays from 5:30-6:30 pm as part of ROCK. It gives children a place to ask questions while growing in faith through hands-on experiences in missions and ministries.
Wesley Outings-Are planned throughout the year depending on interest and volunteer availability.
Click here for our 2024-25 Wesley Outings.
Wesley Camp-A three day camping experience in August, full of fun with activities such as swimming, archery, hikes, a prayer labyrinth and more. It offers children a chance to make friends and memories which will last a lifetime as they begin or deepen their relationship with Jesus.
Check back for more information about this year’s camp.
VBS 2025 is tentatively scheduled for July 14-18 from 9am-noon.
Extreme VBS will be from noon-5:00pm.