Have A Question?

Use the contact form below to reach out to us. You can find general info on weddings, funerals, and other services below the form.


    If you are considering a wedding at First Church, please call Kathy Kuzas at Ext. 212. She will check the church calendar, arrange to get you a booklet with our wedding information, and set up an initial meeting with the pastor.


    If a loved one has passed away, you should first contact a funeral home who will then contact the church about scheduling the service here or having one of our ministers go to the funeral home. 

    If you are not working through a funeral home, please contact the church about scheduling a service.

    Other Services

    If you need to schedule a meeting, Bible study, or other church activity, please contact Kathy Kuzas at Ext. 212 or kkuzasfumccf@gmail.com. The church does not rent rooms for private functions.