
Missions and Outreach at First United Methodist Church takes on many forms. At the heart of it is Jesus’ great commission “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations… and lo, I am with you always”  Matthew 28:20. Opportunities for missions include but are not limited to Good Neighbors, OPEN M, Family Promise, and many more. Where can you offer your hands to serve as Jesus’ hand to the world?

Mission Opportunities

Cup Bearers

A ministry for those in Assisted Living communities.

Blessing Box

A ministry for those in need of food and sundries.

Soup's On

A once a month hot lunch program for any in need.

Family Promise

A ministry to shelter homeless families and help them get back on their feet.


A local ministry which feeds the hungry, attends to the sick, and aids those in need in many other ways.

Henderson Settlement

A yearly mission trip to minister to those in need in Appalachia.

Zoe Empowers

A partnership working with child-headed households who have been impacted by the global orphan crisis.

First Church Feeds

A ministry which supplies bags of groceries once a month to those in need.