Where Do I Park?
- Church-owned lots:
- Our visitor lot is located on 3rd Street across from our main entrance. It is reserved for persons unable to walk long distances (There is also temporary parking by the main entrance for quick drop-offs and deliveries).
- Lots 1 and 2 are located on the corner of Portage Trail and 3rd Street. Please use the crosswalk at the intersection.
- Other parking:
- The Municipal lot on the corner of 2nd Street and Stow Ave. is free and available for use on weekday evenings and weekends.
- The city parking decks on Second Street are free. The closest is on Second Street between Stow Ave. and Portage Trail. You can use the paved Church Square Walkway to cut through the Church Square greenspace.
Can I Be Married at First Church?
At First Church we do perform marriage ceremonies for couples who do not belong to the church. The same rules apply for non-members as members, although there is a small difference in pricing. Couples will be required to have 3 counseling sessions with the minister performing the ceremony.
A frequent question is about who will perform the ceremony. Because First Church is a place of worship and not a “venue”, one of our ministers must be involved in the ceremony. If you have your own pastor, he or she will need to speak to our pastor to determine what part they will play in the rites.
A call or email to Kim Kerr will start the process.
How Do I Join First Church?
A New Members’ class is offered once or twice a year for those interested in joining the church. The class meets on Sunday mornings between the services for 8 weeks. You will learn about the Methodist Church in general and First Church specifically. At the end of the class, you will be welcomed into membership at the worship service of your choice.