Weekday Christian Preschool has been part of the Cuyahoga Falls community for 40 years. We are a play-based school resting on the foundation of Christ. As a play-based school our curriculum reflects our respect and dedication to young children and their ability to learn. Our classrooms are purposefully designed to create an environment that facilitates social, emotional and academic learning. Daily developmentally appropriate learning experiences are offered in the following areas; language arts, math, science, fine/gross motor, sensory and art. Through our preschool program your child will develop the following skills preparing them for Kindergarten: problem solving, leadership, self-help, empathy and academic standards.
- Programs Offered
- Toddler Time
- Three Year Old Class
- Four Year Old Class
- Five Year Old Class
- Forms and Policies
- Calendars and Newsletters
Toddler Time – For toddlers (along with a caregiver) who are two by the end of September.
Three Year Old Class – For children who are three by the end of September and who are fully potty trained by the start of school.
Four Year Old Class – For children who are four by the end of September and who are fully potty trained.
Five Year Old Class – For children who will be turning five by December of the current school year. This is an ideal class for children who miss the kindergarten cut off or who need more maturing before starting kindergarten.
Enrichment Class – For children who will be four or five by the beginning of the school year. The class meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays, the A.M. session from 9:00-11:40 and the P.M. session from 12:15-2:45. The class is project based and focuses on geography and science. It also includes beginning Spanish – colors, numbers, animals and common words and phrases.
Toddler Time
First United Methodist Church offers a Toddler Time program for children who are 18 months old by the end of September. This parent/child class is designed to give your little one an introduction to a classroom experience. This class is a great opportunity to connect with other parents/caregivers and their children prior to preschool. Activities and stations are intentionally created to promote both academic and social learning through play.
- Wednesdays from 9:30-11:30 a.m.
- Begins Wednesday September 21st
- Program follows Weekday Christian Preschool’s calendar
- Registration Fee – $20.00
- Monthly Tuition – $30.00 (September – May)
Our three-year-old classroom provides the opportunity for a child to socialize with their peers while building age appropriate skills socially, emotionally and academically. Nurturing each student in their journey of learning in areas such as; alphabet & name recognition, math concepts, prereading, problem solving, self-regulation, fine and gross motor skills. We see each classroom as a community where the uniqueness of each student is celebrated confirming the belief that every young child deserves respect and love.
Requirements for acceptance
- Fully potty trained
- Three by the end of September
Three-Year-Old Schedule
A.M. Class
9:00-9:15 – Arrival/Who is here? /Good Morning song
9:15-9:35 – Circle Time: Calendar/Pledge of Allegiance/Story
9:35-10:20 – Learning Centers/Craft/Small Group Activities
10:20-10:45- Gym/Gross Motor Activities and Group Games
10:45-11:15- Restroom Break/Snack
11:35-11:40- Prepare for Dismissal/Goodbye Song
11:40-11:45- Dismissal
P.M. Class
12:15-12:30- Arrival/Who is here? /Good Morning song
12:30-12:50- Circle Time: Calendar/Pledge of Allegiance/Story
12:50-1:35– Learning Centers/Craft/Small Group Activities
1:35-1:55- Gym/Gross Motor Activities and Group Games
1:55-2:20- Restroom Break/Snack
2:35-2:45- Prepare for Dismissal/Goodbye Song
2:45-2:50 – Dismissal
Our four-year-old program is the perfect environment socially, emotionally and academically to get ready for Kindergarten. The reflection on kindergarten readiness can not only be seen in our academic standards but also in our focus on a student’s development of social/emotional preparedness. With direction students develop an age appropriate understanding of group cooperation and function. By integrating problem solving, self-help, critical thinking and empathy students begin to see not only their self but their peers in a new light. It is in this spirit that we see each classroom as a community where the uniqueness of each student is celebrated confirming the belief that every young child deserves respect and love.
- Four by the end of September
- Fully potty-trained
Daily Schedule
A.M. Class
9:00-9:15 Arrival/Table Activities/Free play
9:15-9:35 Circle Time
9:35-10:20 Learning Centers/Crafts/Small Group Activities
10:20- 10:40 Restroom/Snack
10:40-11:15 – Gym/Gross Motor Activities and Group Activities
11:15- 11:35 Story/Chapel
11:35-11:40- Prepare for Dismissal
11:40-11:45- Dismissal
P.M. Class
12:15-12:30- Arrival/Table Activities/Free play
12:30-12:50-Circle Time
12:50-1:35- Learning Centers/Crafts/Small Group Activities
1:35-1:50- Restroom/Snack
1:50- 2:15- Gym/Gross Motor Activities and Group Activities
2:15-2:35 – Story/Chapel
2:35-2:42- Prepare for Dismissal
2:45- 2:50- Dismissal
Our five-year-old program focuses on kindergarten readiness standards concerning social, academic and emotional preparedness for kindergarten. Children who are part of this program need to be five by the end of December and attending kindergarten the following school year. The academic curriculum of this program meets each student where he or she is providing what is needed to progress at their own rate of learning reaching to reach their highest potential. By integrating problem solving, self-help, critical thinking skills students begin to see not only their self but their peers in a new light. It is in this spirit that we see each classroom as a community where the uniqueness of each student is celebrated confirming the belief that every young child deserves respect and love.
Daily Schedule
A.M. P.M.
9:00-9:30 Arrival 12:15-12:35 Arrival
9:30-9:45 Circle 12:35-12:50 Circle
9:45-10:10 Gym 12:50-1:15 Gym
10:10- 10:25 Restroom/Snack 1:15-1:30 Restroom/Snack
10:25-10:35 Circle 1:30-1:40 Circle
10:35-11:10 Centers 1:40-2:15 Centers
11:15- 11:35 Story/Chapel 2:20-2:40 Story/Chapel